Thirteen year old Tony Sigala, an 8th grader at Southwestern Heights Junior High, remains in a hospital in Wichita after being diagnosed with a mysterious cancer that strickened him in recent weeks. The triple threat athlete at SWH had exploratory surgery and the cancer is believed to be confined in the colon. Doctors are mystified what type of cancer it is and the are unable to pinpoint at this time was caould aid in healing the problems.
Fundraisers are underway in the Plains and Kismet areas to help the Sigala family in defraying the costs of mainly traveling expenses to and from Wichita.
Organizers are selling red T-Shirts with the phrase “Tony’s Team” and will be sold at the SWH-Stantion County game Friday at Heights. Bake sales and other events are expected in the future to aid the cause.
Seward County Broadcasting willl donate proceeds from advertisers monies collected to broadcast SWH-Elkhart games February 20th. All Proceeds received after expenses will be given to the family.
Robert Sigala, brother of Tony, is a freshman and reserve player for the Seward County Saints basketball team. Some members of the team are wearing a red wrist band in honor of Roberts brother.