After 9/11 Kirk Sours began studying Islam and the Bible since salvation in 1983 and is a lifelong student of history. He has been in various ministries since 1988 including a Bible Study designed as an outreach to Muslims. He began a website in 2010- “” which discusses the Soul of America and the Fallacy of Religion. He is active in politics on the local & state level (KS), involved with Kansas HB 2087. Kirk states, “Even 15 years after 9/11, Islam continues to gain influence in every institution with little resistance. If America is to survive as a free Republic, Islam must be stopped. Islam is not compatible with the US Constitution.” COME HEAR KIRK-get informed and involved! A question & answer session will follow his motivating talk. The tak will take place at the ROCK ISLANd Depot, 4 Rock Island, Liberal, KS on January 23, 2016 from 1:00pm – 4:00pm. Hosted by Celia Beymer 620-290-5976, Bob Deacon 620-563-7700, Cindy Hall 620-624-4317 PLEASE PARK IN EAST CHAMBER LOT-NOT RUFFINO’s.