Four Liberal High School golfers have qualified for state. Three of them will compete at the tournament on Monday. Carson Gilmore, Ryan Mein, Oscar Civis, and Logan Miller make state at their 6A regional Monday in Garden City. Civis will not attend state due to his service in the U.S. Army. Gilmore shot an 87 for 10th place at the regional. Civis and Mein carded 101 for 15th and Miller shot a 103 for 17th. Josh King shot a 114 for 23rd.
Garden City won the regional with a 314 followed by Hutchinson’s 333 and Dodge City’s 350. Campus shot a 387 just a head of Liberal’s 392. Wichita Northwest shot a 444.
In 3A at Cimarron, Kaleb Scripsick of Southwestern Heights made state with an 89 for 9th place.
In 2A at Johnson, Elkhart’s Lance Addington was 2nd with a 77. Joseph Daugherty was 4th with an 80. Clayson Nave was 7th with an 84.