Former Tyrone Police Chief Pleads Guilty

Former Tyrone Police Chief Jerry Schroeder, who was arrested and charged in October on a single felony charge and multiple misdemeanors waived his right to a preliminary hearing and is free on a personal recognizance bond.

Schroeder charges included felony unauthorized use of a vehicle, misdemenor dissemination of confidential information and four counts of neglecting duty.

On February 9th Schroeder pleaded guilty to the unauthorized use of a City owned lawn mower. He was fined $500, with this charge on defererment until February 8, 2017

On the second charge of disseminating confidential information, Schroeder pleaded guilty and was fined $500 and received deferment until February 8, 2019. Other charges stemming from Schroeder not engaging in arrests after known assaults were committed by an acquaitance of Schroeder, were dismissed pending payment of costs.

Schroeder has been ordered to appear before the court again on March 11, 2016, on his personal recognizance.

Charges in Seward County have been dismissed.