Even though Ford County Health Department has received notification of 40 new cases this morning and has a total of 516 positive tests for COVID-19 J.D. Gilbert, B.S., M.B.A. with Ford County has stated that “The rumor that Ford County is on “complete lock-down” and not allowing people in or out of the County is not true. The County has not instituted any sort of travel restriction on any citizen and there are no plans to do so.” He also went on to say that they expected numbers to increase in April. Also, with a focus on rapid testing of identified clusters, their numbers were expected to increase even further. Ford County Health Department realizes that the increase in numbers can initially be alarming, but their investigation team is doing a great job and tracking each case. The best way to protect yourself against exposure is to stay home, social distance and wash your hands often and correctly. Many of their cases are the result of individuals not observing these three recommendations.