At 8:00pm Sunday night, Guymon Firefighters responded to a 911 call of smoke in a building at 224 NE Hwy 54 which is the Pancake House. On Firefighters arrival, they found smoke filling the entire restaurant area. ź??Firefighters were quickly able to locate the fire in a back room closet and extinguish the fire before it spread any furtherź?ť, said Assistant Fire Chief Grant Wadley.
Workers in the business next to the Pancake House notice the smell of smoke coming into their store, then realized smoke in the Pancake House portion of the building then called 911 immediately. ź??This fire could have easily spread and caused large amounts of damage and loss of propertyź?ť, Wadley said. The fire was contained to the closet area only and very little damage was done. Very little smoke damage occurred throughout the restaurant which Guymon Firefighters quickly removed. The fire and smoke damage was not expected to effect the restaurant for Monday morning.
Guymon Fire Department was assisted by the Guymon Police Department, Emergency Management, and Oklahoma Highway Patrol.