Fellowship Baptist Church to Once Again Show “Liberal Love”

For the past several years Fellowship Baptist Church has, as a church, taken on a project of the heart, and they have aptly named it “Liberal Love”. They have reached out to the Community and have lent a helping hand to those in a time of need. From a gas buy down to free oil changes, the Church has reached out to do what they can to lift up those around them. On March 26th Fellowship Baptist Church, stepped up once again by handing out 100 free single topping pizzas in a drive through fashion in the parking lot of the church. The 100 pizzas were gone in less than 30 minutes, with the recipients very appreciative of the Church’s generosity. Seeing how well everything went, FBC in conjunction with several businesses and individuals, will kick it up a notch, on Thursday April 9th. Beginning at 5:00pm and continuing until they are gone, the Church will be handing out 275 free single topping pizzas, once again in a drive through fashion. Those wanting to receive a pizza, need to enter the church parking lot at 310 W. Pancake Blvd from the Clay Street entrance. Just in time for Easter, it’s Liberal Love at Fellowship Baptist Church. For more information, or to donate to spread the Love even further, you can call the Church office at 620-624-7601.