A fatality collision occurred at approximately 1:17 at 30th Street and Marshall Road, 1 mile South and 3 miles East of Bison, Okla in Garfield County.
A 2017 Ford F-250 pick-up Truck driven by Franciso Javier Garcia (SIC) white male, 47 years old od San Antonio Texas was not injured.
Ramon Arturo Gonzalea (SIC) white male age 57 of Guynon Okla. was transported by Life EMS to St. Mary’s hospital where he was pronounced dead by Dr. Wells due to unknown injuries.
A GMC Sierra Pick Up driven by Steve Cowherd age 40 of Bison Okla was not injured.
Alicia Cowher white female age 35 of Bison Okla was transported by Air-Evac to OU medical Center in Okla City. She was admitted in stable condition with internal trunk injuries.
Three juvenile’s whose names are being withhels at this time time were not injured.
Vehicle #1 was westbound on Marshall Road. Vehicle # 2 was Southbound on 30th Street. Vehicle #1 failed to yield to vehicle # 2
Accident was investigated by the OHP