The Liberal Ministerial Alliance in cooperation with Faith Tabernacle Church presents a Big Game Outreach again this year. During Sunday’s Game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49’s, everyone is welcome to attend the event to watch the game and hear words of testimony. The event begins at 5:00pm at Faith Tabernacle Church at 514 North Kansas. The game will be shown on a giant 14ft HDTV screen courtesy of ZITO Cable TV. There will be free Pizza Hut Pizza and refreshments. Steve Grant will be speaking at halftime. Steve played 7 years in the NFL with 6 years as an Indianapolis Colts and 1 year for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Everyone is welcome to attend, but all children 13 and under must attend with an adult, youth pastor or leader. For more information and to RSVP call Rex Petty at 624-7565.