Faith and Blue A Hugely Successful Community Event

In a release by Undersheriff Ryan Roehr, the 1st Annual Faith and Blue Event was a huge Success. He States:

The Seward County Sheriff’s Office would like to give a great thanks to the churches, businesses, schools, first responders, and citizens of this incredible community that were able to help us put on our Faith & Blue Basketball Game Event.  With all of your help, we were able to have not only a fun evening for our community, but also were able to provide at least one large box of unperishable food items to all of our local food banks as well as the Stepping Stone Shelter.

A Faith and Blue representative recently informed us that our event was probably one of the largest Faith & Blue events put on in the country.

The Seward County Sheriff’s Office is already looking forward and are proud to put on the next Faith & Blue event next year to connect with this amazing community here in Southwest Kansas!

Undersheriff Ryan Roehr