Emergency Management Requests Specific Donations to Woodward

Woodward Emergency Management is requesting donation of the following specific items: tarps, leather work gloves, flashlights, AA and AAA batteries, trash bags, dust masks, safety glasses, and 6 volt lanterns. These items are being accepted at the Woodward Emergency Management Office at 100 Cooper Houston Drive.

The public is asked not to send any other donations as there is not storage space available. Instead, please make monetary donations to the local voluntary or disaster relief organization of your choice such as those mentioned in this situation update.

Woodward Emergency Management officials report that Salvation Army Woodward-Ellis County Unit is particularly in need of donations at this time. You can donate in person by visiting 1209 9th Street in Woodward or donate remotely by calling 1-800-sal-army or visiting www.disaster.salvationarmyuse.org.