Duck Festival, Soup, Stew, Chili, Dessert Cook-Off This Saturday

The Liberal Chamber of Commerce’s 13th annual Duck Fesitval offers a fun filled day out with your family!The event is scheduled for Saturday, September 27, 2014 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Blue Bonnet Park. Area businesses will have booths with fun games and prizes for all age groups.

You can purchase your ducks at the Liberal Chamber of Commerce, or where ever you see a DUCKS SOLD HERE SIGN!

Duck cost are $10 each or a 6 Quack for $50 if you purchase $100 worth you will receive 13 ducks in honor of this being the 13 year!

1st place $5,000; 2nd place $2,000; 3rd place $1,000; 4th place $500 5th place-$400; 6th place; $300; 7th place $200; 8th place $100; and the LUCkY DUCKY $500!

KSCB and The Legend will be sponsoring a Chilli/Soup/Stew and Dessert cook-off! NO ENTRY FEE!!!They will have a First, Second, and Third place award from all entries. There will be a Donor’s Award. Each entry will name a nonprofit organization of choice on their entry form and have a container at their table. Tasters will have the opportunity to make cash donations to support your cause. The entry having the largest cash donations will get all money collected that day from EVERY table. The winner of the Donnors prize will also get a 6 Quack