Don Scott To Retire, Successor Sought By Republican Party

The Seward County Republican Party has received word from Gov. Sam Brownback’s office that Seward County Attorney, Don Scott has announced he will not be completing his term due to the fact that he he plans to retire. Don Scott was first elected in 1988 and took office in January of 1989. His last day as Seward County Attorney will be September 30th, 2014.

Kansas Statutes 25-312 require a Convention of the Republican precinct committee members of Seward County to elect a replacement for the unexpired term.

The Convention to elect a new County Attorney, for Seward County, to serve the unexpired term, will be held on Monday, August 25, 2014, at 6:30 pm, at the Seward County Administration Building, (Commission Chambers), 515 N Washington, Ste 100. The Convention will begin at 6:30 pm.

Anyone interested in being considered for this position, need to submit a resume’ to:

Joe Denoyer Seward County Republican Chair
920 W. 7th Street
Liberal KS 67901

Or via email to:
[email protected]

Prospective candidates will need to be nominated by a Precinct Member at the Convention, will need to be present, and will need to be prepared to give a brief presentation to Precinct Committee Men and Women.

A vote will be taken at the Convention, with the Seward County Republican Party’s recommendation to be forwarded to the Governors Office for final approval.