President Barack Obama has issued a major
disaster declaration for Kansas to help cover costs from a powerful
winter storm in late March.
The declaration makes federal funding available to state and
local governments and some nonprofit groups for emergency work and
facilities repair. Those counties getting help include Butler,
Chase, Chautauqua, Coffey, Cowley, Dickinson, Elk, Grant,
Greenwood, Harvey, Lyon, Marion, Sumner and Woodson.
Help is also available for snow removal and other emergency
costs incurred in 19 counties. They are: Barber, Barton, Clark,
Comanche, Edwards, Grant, Haskell, Kearny, Kingman, Kiowa,
McPherson, Meade, Pratt, Reno, Rice, Seward, Stafford, Stanton and
Federal money is also available statewide on a cost-sharing
basis for hazard mitigation measures.