Country Showdown Held At The Morton County Fair

An overflow crowd Friday evening heard 15 contestants competeing in the annual Colgate Country Showdown at the Morton County Fair in Elkhart. The event was a part of the Morton County Fair, and was organized by Charlie Tucker of the Morton County Civic Center. A free hotdog and bratwurst meal was provided before the event by Colorado East Bank and Trust with the competition getting underway at 5:30pm. Contestants were competing for cash, prizes, and the right to advance to the State Competition at the Kansas State Fair in September. Tieing for 4th place was Wally Garcia of Elkhart and Sarah Whitfield of Keyes Oklahoma. In third was Lorrie Cook of Forgan. In the runner-up position was Frankie Shayne Pearman of Hutchinson Kansas. Cook received a trophy, $50.00 in cash and a $25.00 gift certificate from EPIC PCS. For taking second, Pearman went home with $100.00 in cash, a $50.00 gift certificate from EPIC PCS and a trophy. Winning the competition and the right to vie for the state title at the Kansas State Fair, was Claire Dunn, a former Keyes Oklahoma resident, now going to school in Nashville Tennessee. She also received $200.00 in cash, $100.00 gift certificate from EPIC and a trophy.