Cotton Marketing Workshop December 6th in Hugoton

A cotton marketing workshop will be held Friday, December 6th in the 4-H Building on the Stevens County Fairgrounds in Hugoton. The program will begin with registration and coffee at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at noon with a sponsored lunch.
The program will include a detailed look at cotton cost-return budgets, a panel discussion of production topics led by area cotton agronomists and industry leaders, and an overview of cotton insurance options.
In addition, cotton marketing options and strategies will be discussed by a representative of the Plains Cotton Cooperative Association (PCCA) and KSU Agricultural Economists Dan O’Brien and Monte Vandeveer.
The program is free to the public and is sponsored by K-State Research and Extension, the Northwest Cotton Growers Cooperative and the Plains Cotton Cooperative Association.
For more information and to RSVP for lunch please contact the Extension office in Hugoton at 620-544-4359 or the Northwest Cotton Growers Cooperative at 620-598-2008.