Cotton Gin Fire Contained

(KWCH)The Stevens County Fire Department Monday details Sunday’s response to a cotton gin fire.

The fire department responded to a fire at Northwest Cotton Growers Gin, Inc. about noon Sunday. The department says the fire started when a spark reached a bur pile and tumbled down, fueled by wind, igniting the entire pile.

“Upon arrival, the decision was made to request mutual aide. Seven Kansas County Fire departments, one Oklahoma Fire Department, three Emergency Managers, Stevens County Health Department and Red Cross responded to the call,” the Stevens County Fire Department says.

At one point, the department says, 60 firefighters from the area fought to contain the fire in 40 to 45 mph winds.

Monday afternoon, the Stevens County Fire Department says the fire is contained, but crews are still monitoring hot spots.

“The fire departments’ quick response helped keep the fire contained to the cotton modules and there was no damage to the cotton gin structure itself,” the department says.