Congressman Huelskamp Accepting Applications for Fall 2012 Interns

The Office of Congressman Tim Huelskamp is now accepting applications for the Fall 2012 internship program in the Washington, D.C. and Salina, Dodge City, and Hutchinson, Kansas offices.

�??I encourage college students or recent graduates who want to learn firsthand how Congress operates and how federal legislation affects Kansas to apply,�?� Congressman Huelskamp said. �??This is a unique experience in which to obtain greater understanding of the legislative process and constituent services.�?�

Interns may be asked to complete a variety of tasks, including day-to-day office work such as answering phones, writing letters, and assisting with media clips. In addition, interns may be assigned to assist with constituent casework or attend Congressman Huelskamp�??s public events throughout the First District.

Students will be given flexible hours to accommodate their course schedules, but hours in the Kansas offices generally run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This is an unpaid internship.

Additional information about the internship program and the application form can be found at