Community Trying to Raise Money for Free Admission to Sub State

A group of LHS basketball parents and fans are raising money for sub state to at least let students in for free.  The group says they do have enough for all USD 480 students in for free at this time.

They are trying to raise enough to let everyone in but for sure the first game of sub state is free to all USD 480 students.

They can mail a check to po box 2707 or drop off cash/check at Hay Rice and Associates 21 Plaza Drive just south of the north Pizza Hut. Checks should be made out to Liberal Heat. Any left over money (doubt there will be) will be given to the LHS summer BB program.

We will also be serving pizza to all LHS students an hour before the game in the commons area but will stop serving 30 minutes before. obviously trying to get kids there early.

The Liberal girls will host a playoff game Tuesday, March 3.  If they win, they will host another on Friday, March 6.