College to Follow Academic Calendar Through Semester

LIBERAL, Kan.  — A mindful approach to slowing the spread of COVID-19 cases has enabled Seward County Community College to operate with in-person classes for eight weeks. This week, the college confirmed plans to complete the semester as planned. The academic calendar includes a fall break Oct. 12-13, Thanksgiving break Nov. 25-27, final exams Dec. 7-9, and winter break Dec. 23 through Jan. 3.

While SCCC is sticking to its originally-scheduled calendar, students have options that take into account the ever-changing health landscape created by the pandemic. Following Thanksgiving break, students may opt to complete their last week of classes online, and may complete finals online as well. They may also choose to finish the semester on campus for classes and exams.

Regardless of what students choose, vice president of academic affairs Luke Dowell said, all faculty will continue to work from campus. In some hands-on programs a remote option may not be possible.

“We are asking all faculty to report final plans for their classes to deans or division chairs by October 30, including plans to ensure academic integrity and equity between the options,” he said. “The thinking is that students can choose not to return to campus to avoid exposure. But this approach also provides the opportunity for students to be on campus if they feel that is best to ensure their success.”