The Liberal Chamber of Commerce celebrated the 2019 Duck Festival in Light Park on Saturday. There was food, fun and festivities all day long culminating with the “Duck Race” at 2:00pm.
Activities throughout the day included vendors and non-profit organization booths, bouncy houses, barrel train rides, trike races, Seward County United Way Chili, Soup Cook Off, Ducky Downs, Chuck a Duck, Duck Splat, and many other activities .
Winners in the Duck Race, the top eight and the “Hard Luck Duck” were: Lindsey Claus in 1st winning $5000, Kenny Hernandez 2nd, $2000, Jandi Head 3rd and $1000, Ramon Villarreal , 4th,$500, Tere Arenivas ,5th $400, Jane Harding, 6th, $300, Adrian Salas 7th $200, and Sadie Madden in 8th for $100. The Lucky Duck picked belonged to Roxy Torres and was good for $500.
In the Chili, and Soup, Competition Sponsored By the Seward County United Way, Jandi Head took 1st Place and People’s Choice in the Chili Competition.
On the soup side, Colvin Learning Center took 1st. Peoples Choice winner overall was Rob Rogers..