Hey guys, we finally have Minnows in stock. They are Golden Shiners. They will be selling for 9.50/dozen and range in size from 2" to 2 3/4" and some up to 3".
I appologize for the price but the Shiners are a seasonal thing with most suppliers and i had to get what i could or none at all. I chose Shiners because they are very hardy and easy to keep. The new bait regulations dont help either. I have to hire a veterinarian to test my water for disease, this isnt cheap folks!
Flathead and Pink Minnows will be coming in July-I am unsure of specific prices on those, im still working out a deal with my wholesaler, the state and my veterinarian. Im trying to shoot for nothing over $10.00 but no promises, Flatheads and Pinkies are tricky to house in captivity.
But anyways, WE HAVE MINNOWS NOW!!!!
Dons Custom Auaria, 708 S. Kansas, Liberal. Look for the LIVE BAIT sign outside!! If it is out, you CANT miss it unless your not looking. 9AM-10PM Daily 7days/week.