The City of Liberal will be hosting a Franchise Night on Monday from 6:00pm – 9:00pm at the Rock Island Depot. Franchise Night is for those individuals who might be interested in opening their own business or at least curious about opening a franchise business. City staff has pre-screened dozens of companies to make sure that Liberal meets their basic demographic benchmarks. These companies have sent information packets for review by individuals interested in getting into business. The information packets will give contact information, financial and operational requirements for getting started. Several of these companies will have representatives present to answer questions about their business opportunities. Also in attendance will be local banks providing information on small business financing, local developers with information regarding real estate and building options, and city staff will be present to provide information regarding permitting and certification requirements. Mike O’Kane from the Small Business Development Center will also be present to offer consultation services. For more information on the City’s Franchise Night contact Jeff Parsons at 620-626-2240.