City of Liberal Statement on Limb/Tree Removal

The City of Liberal continues to maintain public property and has been removing limbs from the parks that were damaged in the recent storm.
Tree limb removal on private property, however, continues to be the responsibility of the property owner the same as it is for regular lawn maintenance and mowing.
Senior citizens and the disabled who do not have the means to remove limbs may contact Erika Villa at 620-626-2522 to see if they qualify for specific assistance programs for these groups.
City staff was able to assist with limb removal in the past, but only when the storm qualified for FEMA disaster relief. If such a declaration is made, or if Liberal qualifies for disaster relief, the issue may be reconsidered at that time.
The City of Liberal remains committed to keeping the streets, parks and drainage areas clear and operational so residents can continue to safely operate in public spaces.