City Of Liberal In Solid Financial Shape

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30 for the regularly scheduled meeting. On the Agenda was the 2011 City Financial Audit. Dustin Ormiston of Hay, Rice, and Associates gave a brief overview of the financial picture of the City of Liberal. After working with City Staff, Ormiston said the 2011 Audit looked good, the City was moving in a positive direction, and was basically in excellent financial condition. He stated City staff was very cooperative in the annual review. After the presentation, The City Commission voted to approve the 2011 audit, and retain the services of Hay, Rice, and Associates for the 2012 Audit. The Liberal Police Department recently received a check from the Kansas Attorney Generals office for reimbursement of training expenses. Police Chief Al Sill presented the $600 check to USD 480 Superintendant Lance Stout, to help cover some of the training costs of the SRO officers in the schools. Chief sill also presented the PEO group, who provided funding for a bullet proof vest for the City’s drug dog, a framed picture of the canine with the vest on. The next meeting of the Liberal City Commission is set for October the 8th.