The City of Liberal hosted a Town Hall meeting Thursday evening at the Girls Scout Building in Light Park. Several interested individuals heard about proposed and upcoming projects throughout the City. City Manager Rusty Varnado moderated the meeting with input from the City Commission, City staff and the community. Projects proposed from the City include
Wayfinding Signage
Improvements to the East and North Entrances
Market Facade Programs
Renovation of the Tree Program
Additional Downtown Lighting
Median remodel on North Kansas Avenue
Crime Prevention
Police Department Improvements
Lighting for Mahuron, McCray, and Blue Bonnet Parks
Lighting for the Recreation Center
Economic Development
Hire a Retail Consultant
Recruit Retail Developer
Increase Travel Sports Tournaments
Housing and Community Development
Arkalon Park Enhancements
Pickleball Courts
NRP Expansion
Developer Incentives
Develop 2 Dog Parks
Streets, Drainage, and other Capitol Improvements
Water Line Improvements
Recreation Center Inmprovements
Reset the Chip Seal to 1:4
Curb and Gutter Northeast Liberal
Sidewalk Cost Share for Existing Properties
Adventure Bay repairs
Retention Pond on Walnut Street.
The City plans on holding Town Halls Quarterly. For more information, contact City Hall at 620-626-2204.