City of Guymon Water Deemed Safe to Drink

by Jamie Burch, ABC 7 News

The City of Guymon’s water was deemed safe to drink, two weeks after a warning was issued that it could kill infants.

City Manager Micheal Shannon said the city identified a single well producing water high in nitrates.

On March 5, Guymon warned parents to not give tap water to their infants, or use it to make formula. A water sample collected on Feb. 24 contained a nitrate level of 11 mg/L which is above the maximum contaminant level (MCL).

Infants less than six months old can’t process nitrate in the same way adults can. If infants drink water containing nitrate in excess of the MCL, they could become seriously ill or die.

The water well with the high nitrate levels was shut down Monday.

“All the other wells supplying water to the Cactus Pump Station tested below the EPA and state limit of 10 mg/L,” said Shannon . “The City’s test equipment shows the water now being delivered to customers is well below the regulatory limit and safe for customers of all ages.”

Shannon said if the tainted well is needed this summer to meet demands, “it will be severely limited and monitored to ensure that water going to customers is within regulatory limits and safe for all. ”

The city is also working with its consultant to investigate treatment methods that can remove nitrates from water.