Guymon’s water system detected E. coli in 1 of their 18 drinking water wells. On October 6, 2014, City officials learned that a routine sample collected on October 2, 2014, by a water system that uses City of Guymon water was total coliform positive. As required by EPA’s Ground Water Rule, one of the follow-up steps was to collect samples from all active wells. The sample from Well 13 collected on October 6, 2014, tested positive for E. coli. the City is now conducting a thorough investigation to determine the source of the contamination.
In response to this situation, The city of Guymon is sending notices to customers and conducting a thorough investigation.
Guymon has discontinued use of the contaminated well and will rely on other sources to meet demand until the issue is resolved.
For more information, please contact Public Works Director Ivan Clark at 580-338-0137.