City Commission Meets, Receives $100,000 Donation

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting. The started with the introduction of lifelong Liberal resident Bob Immell being introduced as the new director of the Air Museum. After introductions, Mr. Immell presented the Commission with an anonymous donation to the Air Museum in the amount of $100,000.

Karen Lafreniere, Grant writer for the city, announced two grants awarded to the City, one for $30,000 for bathrooms at Country Club Park and at McCray Park. Another $40,000 Grant was given to the city for it’s Youth Summer Employment Program.

The Commission approved Ordinance 4512 which allows the Police Department to keep monies from the sale of unclaimed property and put it in the Police and Fire Department retirement fund.

Commissioners approved a flat $2.00 meter charge for multi family dwellings and approved the contract with Charlesworth Consulting LLC for insurance reviews in the amount of $7,250.

Commissioners approved the contract with Waters Edge Aquatic Design for aquatic planning services in the amount of $7,900 and approved purchases of 2 Canon Printers for the Water and Building Departments for $16,690 and an SHI unit for the Water Treatment Plant in the amount of $8,175.

The City Commission recommended 5 candidates for at large positions on the Liberal Seward County Development Corporation. They are, Tina Call, Tony McKee, Mel Patterson, Tano Tovilla, and Don Witzke. These candidates will be presented to the County.

Marcellus House Moving received the bid for the repairs to the Grier House in the amount of $16,000.00 and Osborne Electric will replace the lighting at the Air Museum with LED lights at a cost of $4,779.00.

Engineering contracts we’re awarded to Earles Engineering. One for the 15th Street ball fields and parking lot for $15,348. One for Rash Pond and Zigler Street drainage, for $26,786. The City also amended the KDHE revolving loan to include the Anadarko line and lines to Arkalon. New amount of the loan is $2,079,042.00.

Pine Street from Highway 54 to Cain Court will be reconstructed this spring using concrete. Cost will be $517,930.07, and the the commission entered into an agreement with the Seward County Historical Society for the purchase of the Tourism Building and property in the amount of $300,000, which the Historical Society will use towards the construction of their Heritage Center.