City Commission Meets, Codifies City Codes

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 5:30pm and adopted Ordinance 4487. The amends the Standard Traffic Ordinance to reflect the new fines for not using seatbelts. The fines are now at $30 in accordance with new state laws.. They were originally $10.

The Commission Codified the 2017 City Codes with Ordinance 4488. The last time this was done was in the year 2000.

Commissioners authorized staff to apply for the Kansas Small Cities Community Development Block Grant, and entered into agreements with Ranson Financial to write the grant at a cost of $6,500 and hired Ranson as Consultants should the City receive the grant. Cost of the contract if the City is awarded the $300,000 grant would be $23,800.00. Should the City not get the grant, the contract would be null and void.

Approved by the Commission was the purchase of Fire Protective gear in the amount of $8078, and new Ipads for the Robotics program. Technology For All will provide the Ipads in the amount of $3,499.90 with the monies to come from gifts and donations.

B&H Paving was the lone bidder for the annual Chip seal project with an amount to not exceed $282,604.75.