The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting and kicked off the meeting by presenting Seward County Community College with a check for over $2,400 from FEMA and KDEM for their student volunteer hours for the January ice storm clean up. Commissioners also proclaimed Fire Prevention Weeek from October 8-14.
Dustin Ormiston of Hay, Rice and Associates presented the Commission with its annual audit. He basically said the City is very fiscally responsible, strong, and in excellent shape. The Commissioners voted to approve the audit and enter into a contract with Hay, Rice, and Associates for the 2017 audit.
After a public hearing, the City Commission approved Ordinance 4492 which established an RHID and adopted a development plan for 8 new homes in Liberal.
Approved for the Solid Waste Department was the purchase of 2 new truck chassis from Liberal Freightliner in the amount of $156,000 and 2 collection barrels from SW Equipment for $159, 400.
Also approved was the acceptance of a KDOT Grant of $1,763 and the use of the grant money to purchase new radios for the Police Department.
The Commission approved a public utility easement for fiber optic cable and also approved tabling the new Recreation Center discussion until after the new Commissioners take office in January.