The Liberal City commission met on Tuesday evening and signed a letter of support to commit $200,000 to Epic Touch using ARPA Funds to expand broadband in the City.
Commissioners amended Ordinance 4577 Section 15-320 to allow individuals to contract with private companies when needing larger containers for excessive trash projects. The will have to in writing notify the Head of the Solid Waste Department.
The Commission tabled the ball field drainage project pending further information and approved the purchase of 2 pickups for the Water Department from Foss Ford in the amount of $25,500.00
Atlas Electric was awarded the bid for the REILS Lighting at the airport in the amount of $25,984.00 which staff hopes to use CARES Act money to reimburse the Airport Fund since it was not a budgeted item.
The Commission also entered into agreements with Ideatek and the Liberal Country Club as Ideatek wants to lease space on the City’s water tower which sits on Country Club Property. The City would initially receive $1200/month with a 3% increase each year. The City would then remit 1/3 of the revenue received to the Country Club.
Sewer evaluations and discussion on the Gun Range were also held.