The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening and amended a previously passed Ordinance that created a Building Safety Board. After the amendments were approved, the Commission then approved an interlocal agreement with Seward County to work together with the Board.
The Commission approved and authorized Interim City Manager Calvin Burke and Finance Director Chris Ford to sign documents relating to the KDHE Public Water Supply Revolving Loans.
For the Fire Department, the Commission approved the purchase of 3 Ford Interceptors SUV’s from Foss Ford in the amount of $105, 345.
The Police Department received approval to purchase body cameras and wires, and also sell surplus equipment to the Hugoton Police Department.
The Mid America Air Museum Foundation donated funds to the City, $26,187, to be used for an intern program and for cataloging services and Adventure Bay Waterpark received approval to now offer season passes.
Carol Dearing was appoointed to the Library Board and Lori Flohr to the Liberal Housing Board.
The Commission heard updates from Earles Engineering on the Drainage Plan and from Calvin Burke on the Highway 54 Clay Street intersection.
The City Commission will participate in a joint meeting tomorrow evening.