City Commission Meets, Approves Community Improvement District

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday night at 6:30 and approved a Community Improvement District (CID) for the development of a new Conference Center and hotel. This is a financing tool which allows the developer to collect up to an additional 2% sales tax to go toward the creation of the project. Any new business development or improvements to existing businesses exceeding $200,000 and collect sales tax, could be considered for a CID. The Commission approved an Interlocal Agreement with USD 480 for inspection services on the new school projects. The engineering firm of Earles Engineering will do all necessary inspections. Commissioners approved the Vacation of a street for an upcoming commercial development project, and also approved several property and vehicle abatements throughout the city. Also approved at Tuesday’s meeting was pool painting and reburshing of pool features at Adventure Bay Waterpark, an LED sign for the Convention and Visitors Bureau, and $160,000 to go towards the purchase of lots for the Self-Help Housing Program. The City will recoup the money when the future home owners purchase the properties. No lots have been located as of yet.