The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30pm.
To kick off the meeting, the Commission said goodbye to Patsy Guinn of the Police Department who is retiring after 20 years of service to tge city. There will be a reception held in her honor on Thursday from 2:00-4:00pm at the Girl Scout Building.
April was proclaimed Fair Housing Month, and the Commission heard from Tony Whisnant and Gary Cherry in Citizens Comments and Big Brothers, Big Sisters in items from groups.
After an explanation of Insurance coverage currently in place for the City, the Commission approved the renewal with Al Shank Insurance of Liberal.
Commissioners then approved Ordinance 4480 which Rezoned a piece of property from C-2 Commercial, to R-3 Residential and approved the updated City Limits and Boundaries.
The City Commission approved purchases a HVAC unit for Mary Frame Park building from Luck Refrigeration, a Broyhill Spray Rig for the Parks Department, and a John Deere Gator, Hustler Super Mower, and a Hustler Raptor with Bagger from Keating Tractor and Equipment for the Parks and Sports Turf Departments.
For the Golf Course, the Commission approved the purchase of a Greens mower and a Truckster from Kansas Golf and Turf of Wichita.
There was no action taken after a 10 minute executive session.