The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening at 5:30 pm and accepted a donation of an aircraft from Jim Floyd for the Air Museum with an estimated value of $36,000.00.
The Commission grandfathered in the currently waived customers and continue the
process to waive the $10 Wastewater Improvement Fee for future qualifying customers. The guidelines are:
You must be the occupant in your home located within the Liberal City limits
and produce a water bill showing the account is in your name.
• Combined household income does not exceed 125% of median income.
• You must be a least 60 years of age or older on the day of the application or
you must be disabled or have a disabled family member.
And you must:
• Complete a short application
• Show a water bill in your name
• Show a photo ID
• Previous year Tax Return or Social Security reward letter required for
verification of income.
• Produce proof of disability if applicable
Commissioners approved a transfer of $221,646 from Fund 260 (1% Sales Tax Streets,
Drainage, and Other Capital Improvements) to Fund 301 (Construction in Progress) to credit the Wastewater Plant Project. This is for the clearing and grading of Can Ditch on the City’s
Wastewater property.