The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening at 5:30 pm and awarded commendations to County Fire Captain Braden Steckel and Liberal City Firefighter Joseph Navarro the firefighters who were involved in the Red Barn Truck Wash Rescue. A Proclamation was also read proclaiming October the 8th – the 14th as Fire Prevention Week.
The Commission approved the 2024 Budget amount of $58,755,800, a mill levy dollar
amount of $6,932,801 and an estimated mill levy of 53.288 mills, based upon the July 1, 2023 estimated
valuation, which is identical to the number of mills contained within the City’s 2023 Budget.
CityBus was approved to purchase a new cutaway bus for the replacement of the totaled
CityBus #214, in the amount of $77,466.06. This bus is still on order and the City was notified that the total cost increased by $62,493.94. This will be funded by $49,995.15 from KDOT and $7,209.78 from the City’s Economic Development portion of the 1-Cent Sales Tax.
The Commission accepted the bid from Dyna Pak Corp. for 780 cases of trash bags not to exceed $50,000.00, and the Commissioners awarded the General Welch Blvd Repair project to French Construction
to not exceed $450,000. Funds for the project to come out of airport budget with reimbursement from Airport ARPA.
Approved for the Water Department was the purchase of 2 Generators from J&T Electric, for an amount not to exceed $25,000.00. INA Alert-Phase Three was also approved at Tuesday’s meeting. Discussion on Stepping Stone Shelter was also held. Commissioners pledged $50,000 until the end of the year to assist the Shelter to remain open.