Christopher Linenbroker (republican) has filed his intent to run for Seward County
Commissioner, District 2.
Filings to date:
Commissioner, District 2
Presephoni Fuller (republican)
Commissioner, District 3
Randy Malin (republican)
Commissioner, District 4.
Nathan McCaffrey (republican)
Following is a list of offices to be elected in 2022. The filing deadline is June 1, 2022 at
STATE OFFICES (file with the Secretary of State)
United States Senate
United States Representative 1st District
Governor/Lt. Governor
Secretary of State
Attorney General
State Treasurer
Commissioner of Insurance
State Representative 124th, 125th Districts
State Board of Education District 5
District Court Judge, 26th District, 1st Division
District Court Judge, 26th District, 3rd Division
COUNTY OFFICES (file with the County Election Office)
County Commissioner District 2
County Commissioner District 3
County Commissioner District 4
Township Clerk, Fargo Township
Township Clerk, Liberal Township
Township Clerk, Seward Township
The following positions will be elected in each political