Bee Jay general manager Bob Carlile remembers it well. His first time in Wichita at the NBC World Series back in 1952 he was a bat boy. In 2010, the man who has seen every championship game the Bee Jays have played was inducted into the NBC Hall of Fame a year and a half after he was named into the Kansas Baseball Hall of Fame. Carlile has been involved with the Bee Jays 45 years and has been the general manager the past three years which have seen the Bee Jays go 31-21 and take fourth at the NBC in 2008, 34-20 and take third in 2009 and 34-13 this year after an 8-2 win over Santa Barbara. Carlile has has 33 BJ’s who he has hosted including Fred Schamburg from the 1979 BJ’s and Joe Vaskas on this year’s team who were both present at the event. An interview with Carlile will air during the Sportsguys Monday morning between 7:37 and 9 a.m. on Talkradio 1270 and