Candidate Meet and Greet at The Depot

The Liberal Area Coalition for Families in conjunction with the Liberal Chamber of Commerce, the League of Women Voters, and the Liberal NEA hosted a Candidate Meet and Greet Tuesday evening at the Rock Island Depot. Several candidates were in attendance to meet their constituents and answer any questions they might have. A crowd of about 60 people showed up to visit with the Candidates in the November Election. Candidates in attendance included:

City of Liberal-Tony Martinez, Ron Warren, Chris Linenbroker, Cindi Martin, Roberto Sanchez,and Tony Whisenant.

School Board- Royce Kitts, Stu Cauble, Steve Helm, Sarah Foreman, Naomi Vargas, Mike Brack, Cliff Abbott,and Kathy Fitzgerald.

Seward County Board of Trustees- Kay Burtzloff.

Candidate Forums will be held next week with the USD 480 Forum on Tuesday the 22nd and the City of Liberal forum on the 24th, both at the Depot and also aired on Talk Radio 1270AM. Questions can be submitted for either forum in person at the events, via email at [email protected], or by calling 620-624-3855.