Candidate Filings Now Open For Seward County and State Positions

Seward County District 2 Commissioner Ada Linenbroker, a Republican, has filed to retain her position according to County Clerk Stacia Long.

Candidates at all levels have until noon Friday, June 1, to file for the primary election in August and until noon Monday, Aug. 6, for independent nominations.

Offices to be determined in the election include:

• National offices – U.S. representative in the Kansas First Congressional District

• State offices

1. Governor and lieutenant governor

2. Secretary of state

3. Attorney general

4. State treasurer

5. Commissioner of insurance

6. State representatives in Kansas’ 124th and 125th House Districts

7. State board of education District 5

8. District Court judge in the 26th District’s First and Third Divisions

• Local offices

1. County commission District 2

2. County commission District 3

3. County commission District 4

4. County commission District 5 (unexpired term)

5. Fargo Township clerk

6. Liberal Township clerk

7. Seward Township clerk

The following offices will be elected in each political party which has qualified to participate in the primary election

1. One precinct committeeman in each precinct

2. One precinct committeewoman in each precinct