Debates between U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp, Fowler/Hutchinson, and Republican challenger Alan LaPolice, Clyde, are expected before the Aug. 5 primary election.
Huelskamp has accepted an invitation to a July 2 debate in Liberal hosted by the Seward County Republican Party, according to Josh Bell, Huelskamp campaign spokesman.
"Tim welcomes the opportunity to discuss his independent conservative leadership and principled stands to rein in an increasingly out of control federal government.
Congressman Huelskamp also looks forward to hearing why his opponent has never voted in Kansas," Bell wrote in an email response to The News.
LaPolice said he will participate in the Liberal debate — and that he has voted in Kansas.
He said he signed up to vote when he registered for military service, joining the U.S. Army out of high school. He said he voted the military ballot from Kansas in 1990 and in 1992, and he also was fairly confident he cast a Kansas ballot in 1996, when he voted for Bob Dole for president.
LaPolice later worked in acting and education in California. He said he bought a house in Clyde 10 years ago, and the family moved from California to Clyde in August 2013. LaPolice said he had no intention of running for office when he first moved back, saying the move was spurred by the desire to raise their young children in Kansas.
"I wonder why he has never voted for Kansas," LaPolice said of Huelskamp.
Besides the debate in Liberal, there are expected to be other Huelskamp-LaPolice debates, including in Hutchinson. Details are to be determined.
In November, the winner of the Republican primary will face the winner of the Democratic primary between Jim Sherow, Manhattan, and Bryan Whitney, Wichita.