Broadcast Square audio archives September 9 to 13, 2019

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of September 9 to 13, 2019.

Monday, September 9: Casandra Norin and Phil Lee of SCCC, on library services and on this Saturday’s Foundation auction.

Tuesday, September 10: Ronna Stump of Liberal Rec Dept., on autumn tree match program with the city, Arkalon Challenge 5K run, and other activities.

Wednesday, September 11: Janeth Vasquez and Rachel Downing of SW Medical Center, on hospital information and on the community health fair October 5.

Thursday, September 12: No audio posted; repeat from July 30. Ken Coleman, talk show host and author of The Proximity Principle.

Friday, September 13: Norma Jean Dodge of SCCC Business and Industry, on the Foundation auction Saturday and on B and I offerings.