Broadcast Square audio archives October 5 to 9, 2020

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of October 5 to 9, 2020.

Monday, October 5: Elizabeth Brown of PTCI and JuliAnn Graham of TCEC, on their joint Co-ops Care promotion and National Co-op Month.

Tuesday, October 6: Sarah Foreman and Eli Svaty, on grants and loans available locally through Seward County for individuals and businesses in need.

Wednesday, October 7: Bambi Fulton of Stepping Stone Shelter, on the re-opened homeless shelter services available and on upcoming fundraising.

Thursday, October 8: Kira Koehn, Kenia Melendez-Ruiz, and Yulissa Majalca, students of SCCC Cosmetology.

Friday, October 9: Kat Baalmann of Baker Arts Center, on last Saturday’s Festival and looking ahead to the future.