Broadcast Square audio archives November 29 to December 3, 2021

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of November 29 to December 3, 2021.

Monday, November 29: Emma Evans, Diana Farrar, Lexi Franz, Brooke Nelson, Amalia Sepulveda, and Kassie Wade of the LHS Cheer squad, on their Thanksgiving trip and march at Disney World.

Tuesday, November 30: no audio posted; repeat of earlier program.

Wednesday, December 1: Candy and Claudia Garcia of Liberal Rec Dept., on winter and holiday activities and signups, and the new 2022 free information booklets.

Thursday, December 2: Ada Linenbroker of SPBH, on its Folk Art Festival and craft show this weekend.

Friday, December 3: State Rep. Shannon Francis, on passed employee protection legislation at the special legislative session in Topeka.