Broadcast Square audio archives May 4 to 8, 2020

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of May 4 to 8, 2020.

Monday, May 4: Hospitalist Akshath Kamath, MD, on Southwest Medical Center’s response and capabilities to handle Covid 19 hospitalizations.

Tuesday, May 5: Bambi Fulton of Stepping Stone Shelter, on helping the homeless amid Covid 19 changes.

Wednesday, May 6: Clarissa Carrillo of Seward County United Way and Julie Foster of Genesis Family Health, on more food boxes available today for people in need.

Thursday, May 7: Rozelle Webb of Liberal Chamber of Commerce, on helping to get local businesses restarted as state restrictions lift.

Friday, May 8: USD 480 Superintendent Renae Hickert, on the winding down of spring semester distance ed, and tentative plans for the future.