You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of May 11 to 15, 2020.
Monday, May 11: Eric Volden of SCCC Admissions, on Covid 19 changes to the admission process, and looking ahead to summer and autumn.
Tuesday, May 12: Blanca Soto of Census 2020, on the importance of census data and on Covid 19 changes to data gathering.
Wednesday, May 13: USD 480 Superintendent Renae Hickert, on online virtual senior recognition and baccalaureate this weekend, and a look ahead to the delayed graduation in July.
Thursday, May 14: Rachel Coleman and Phil Lee of SCCC, on wrapping up the Covid 19-altered spring semester and readying for summer.
Friday, May 15: Kansas Senate President Susan Wagle, on Kansas Governor Kelly’s revised plan to allow partial re-opening of business and athletics in Kansas.