Broadcast Square audio archives March 28 to April 1, 2022

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of March 28 to April 1, 2022.

Monday, March 28: LHS Student Council members Brady Kappelmann and Brooke Nelson, with sponsor Cindy Orrantia, on tomorrow’s variety show at LHS.

Tuesday, March 29: Timothy Barron, MD, and Janeth Vazquez of SW Med Center, on revised visitor rules at SWMC, and on the role of nutrition and exercise in health.

Wednesday, March 30: Randy Altman of Liberal Senior Center, on events and services, including weekend rentals of the center for private events.

Thursday, March 31: Bill Hill, on the Yellow Brick Road Car Show in Liberal in May.

Friday, April 1: Eli Svaty of Seward County Economic Development Corp, on the local economy including growth in regional dairy ag, and on the recent Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge.