You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of March 18 to 22, 2019.
Monday, March 18: Bert Luallen and Eric Volden of SCCC Admissions, on high school recruiting and the All Saints Day event April 6.
Tuesday, March 19: Juliann Graham of TCEC, on the upcoming Guatemala trip to electrify a rural village, and on TCEC activities closer to home.
Wednesday, March 20: 480 Focus with Kendra Haskell and Marisol Pena of Prairie View Elementary School.
Thursday, March 21: Toni Smith of Baker Arts Center, on Say When wine tasting fundraiser, on Sea Lion Splash and Seamagic competition, and other events.
Friday, March 22: Ramey Wetzbarger and Peggy McCulley of Mid-America Air Museum, on tomorrow’s First Lego League robotics tournament, and on the “Wings of Freedom” tour next week.