Broadcast Square audio archives June 15 to 19, 2020

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of June 15 to 19, 2020.

Monday, June 15: Alisha Owens of Hugoton Chamber of Commerce, on re-open in Hugoton and Fourth of July events.

Tuesday, June 16: Chris Purdy of TCEC, on delayed re-open, summer electrical safety, and online virtual town hall meetings.

Wednesday, June 17: Dr. Ken Trzaska, outgoing president of SCCC, and Phil Lee, on SCCC’s cautiously optimistic outlook to the fall semester.

Thursday, June 18: Local historian Lidia Gray, on downtown business history in Liberal.

Friday, June 19: Jessica Malin of Liberal Memorial Library, on curbside and online services available while awaiting future re-opening of the library.